Created by famous Japanese producer Ikuzo Orita, Speed, Glue & Shinki were a Japanese supergroup made up of Shinki Chen (ex-Powerhouse and Foodbrain) on guitar, Masayoshi Kabe (ex-Golden Cups) on bass and Filipino Joseph 'Pepe' Smith (ex-Zero History) on vocals and drums. The resulting sound was extremely bleak and raw, with Kabe's crunching atonal bass runs and Smith's stop-start rhythms creating a unique base for Shinki Chen's euphoric blues.
Track Listing...
01 Mr. Walking Drugstore Man
02 Big Headed Woman
03 Stoned Out Of My Mind
04 Ode To The Bad People
05 A) M Glue
06 B) Keep It Cool
07 Someday We'll All Fall Down
here's a great album from Pepe Smith's early band...tremendous guitar, bass lines and pounding skins..thanks!!!!